on getSettingsSlug() { return get_class($this) . 'Settings'; } protected function addSettingsSubMenuPageToPluginsMenu() { $this->requireExtraPluginFiles(); $displayName = $this->getPluginDisplayName(); add_submenu_page('plugins.php', $displayName, $displayName, 'manage_options', $this->getSettingsSlug(), array(&$this, 'settingsPage')); } protected function addSettingsSubMenuPageToSettingsMenu() { $this->requireExtraPluginFiles(); $displayName = $this->getPluginDisplayName(); add_options_page($displayName, $displayName, 'manage_options', $this->getSettingsSlug(), array(&$this, 'settingsPage')); } /** * @param $name string name of a database table * @return string input prefixed with the WordPress DB table prefix * plus the prefix for this plugin (lower-cased) to avoid table name collisions. * The plugin prefix is lower-cases as a best practice that all DB table names are lower case to * avoid issues on some platforms */ protected function prefixTableName($name) { global $wpdb; return $wpdb->prefix . strtolower($this->prefix($name)); } /** * Convenience function for creating AJAX URLs. * * @param $actionName string the name of the ajax action registered in a call like * add_action('wp_ajax_actionName', array(&$this, 'functionName')); * and/or * add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_actionName', array(&$this, 'functionName')); * * If have an additional parameters to add to the Ajax call, e.g. an "id" parameter, * you could call this function and append to the returned string like: * $url = $this->getAjaxUrl('myaction&id=') . urlencode($id); * or more complex: * $url = sprintf($this->getAjaxUrl('myaction&id=%s&var2=%s&var3=%s'), urlencode($id), urlencode($var2), urlencode($var3)); * * @return string URL that can be used in a web page to make an Ajax call to $this->functionName */ public function getAjaxUrl($actionName) { return admin_url('admin-ajax.php') . '?action=' . $actionName; } public function registerPluginActionLinks( $actions, $plugin_file ) { if ($this->getMainPluginFileName() == basename($plugin_file)) { $settings = array('settings' => '' . __( 'Settings', 'General' ) . '' ); $actions = array_merge($settings, $actions); } return $actions; } }